Wednesday, July 22, 2009

In Just Nine Short Months...

I was totally amazed and thrilled at our GAS lunch today. As I sat there with five other stitchers, I watched and remembered how just nine short months ago we didn't have a clue what to do. We still might not BUT it was awesome watching everyone helping each other. It was just nine months ago that most of us didn't know which end of a crochet hook to use much less how to make a chain to get started!

But look at us now!!! We're branching out and gaining more confidence as we trying new patterns and even working on personal projects. We're reading patterns and learning new stitches and helping each other out and doing BEAUTIFUL work. Nine months ago...our eyes would have glazed over at the mere mention of a 3DT TBL YO CH2 (3 double-treble in the back loop yarn over chain 2) but now...NO WAY!! We've got lots of blocks and afghans in the works. We even have a fantastic high school Senior who is now hooked -- HE just loves it!!

It's addicting yet so relaxing. Thanks for all your hard work and time!
Keep up the fantastic and beautiful stitching!!! <3

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