Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Awesome 1st Meeting!

We had a great first meeting today with a terrific turn-out. Thanks to everyone that came – it was fun! Everyone started learning how to crochet and knit blocks for the afghans. Debra is such a great teacher!! Thank you!!!

After a little discussion, it was decided that Wednesdays would be a better day to meet. So, we will start meeting next Wednesday, October 8, at 11:30 a.m. in the Westchase Deli until we outgrow it :) Come when you can...leave when you want... and stitch all the time! LOL

The currrent plan as everyone learns to stitch is to make 5x7 blocks that will be joined into afghans to donate. Use whatever stitch you like -- basket weave, loopty-loops, etc -- to make lots of blocks.

If you have any questions, need help, yarn, needles, hooks, or patterns, let either Debra or myself know. We've had lots of donations to get us started.

See you next week!

Happy knitting and crocheting!!

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