Wednesday, October 29, 2008

The Addiction

It's true! There's something about knitting or crocheting that's addicting! Maybe it's because it's so relaxing...I dunno but dang I missed it today! Several of us had a department meeting at lunch today so we didn't get to go to the usual stitching lunch. BUT you would be proud of us! We sat together and whipped out our needles and yarn after finishing the delicious sandwich. Susan, Jennifer and I proceeded to stitch-in-abstensia -- it was great! They guys around us were interested. They need to join in! Jennifer and Susan were speed demons and able to get a block finished before the end of the meeting. It was SOOOO hard to come back to the office and go to work. We all wanted to stay and stitch all afternoon.

So next week we'll be back with bells on! In the meantime I'll just sit and knit and sip on a margarita.

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